Through A Parent's Tears: Navigating Suicide Loss

Through A Parent's Tears: Navigating Suicide Loss

Through A Parent's Tears: Navigating Suicide Loss


Through A Parent's Tears presents: Navigating Suicide Loss. It is the most in depth journey ever taken into the world of loss by suicide. 

Join Melinda Vail as she interviews four families that have lost children to suicide. Witness as moms and dads have a chance to talk with their children from the other side as  Melinda facilitates and helps these parents to discover their children are alive and safe.

This Event will premier the first episode of the five videos recorded. Each story is based on an initial reading filmed in 2019 and is followed by a new filming five years later in 2024. Learn what reflections each family has to share five years after the original interview.

(Special Melinda Plus! discount does not apply)

Event Date: September 27, 2024

Time: Arya Event Center Mesa

Time: 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Doors open at 5:30 pm

Tickets: $50.00*


6::00 - 7:00 World Premier of First Episode in the Theater

7:00 - 7:45  Dinner served in main ballroom. Bar with complementary wine & beer opens

7;45 - 8:45 pm Melinda shares her thoughts about the documentary and performs a 

                         Life After Life demonstration for the audience.

8:45- 9:00 William Larew closes with status of documentary.

  • Through A Parent's Tears is a 501c3 and all donations and tickets may be tax deductible.
  • Please check with your tax professional




Through A Parent's Tears: Navigating Suicide Loss


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